Hi, my name is "Hero" and I'm a believer!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Families are in Recovery together

When a parent starts the journey to wholeness, he or she takes his whole family with them. Sometimes the kids are in foster care, sometimes they are still in their life of chaos - but always they are taken down the road with the parent.

As the parent heals, they are left with the children that they have raised (or not raised, as is often the case) and, more often than not, the child is not comfortable leaving the life that they have come to know. Many times, the child has been in control of their own life and when the parents start taking back the reigns, there is a time of rebellion and stubbornness.

We have about 30 kids in our church whose families have been reunited because the parents have started making better choices. These families come to church and experience peace and hope. they go home and - there to meet them at the door - is strife and arguing.

We want to find people who are called to work with these families and help bring them to wholeness, wholeness in Christ, wholeness as a family, wholeness within themselves.

We have 3 NA groups who meet at our church each week and the children come and play with one of the older ones being appointed as "babysitter." We have such a wonderful opportunity for ministry - and we are doing some already - but we could do so much more.

Sonday's Cool is providing a good basis for Friday nights but the other nights are waiting . . .the time is not here yet . . .or is it?

Who will go, says the Lord?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Caryn has a year

Caryn's mother has been praying for her family since she herself started a new life with Jesus. A few years ago, she started working at The Salvation Army because she was on TANF and you have to work someplace. The officers loved her and she began coming to the church - gradually beginning to understanding the forgiveness and grace of God.

Her family has been coming to Jesus one by one - and he keeps meeting them where they are . . .as they are.

That's how revolutions really work - they begin at the bottom level - grass roots - right where we are.

One year - way to go, Caryn!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Accountability - a big word. But, as big as it is, it is much easier to say than it is to do. One of the strong points of our family (church/corps) is the accountability that goes on - sometimes to the extreme. We have agreed that we allow ourselves to be held accountable if we are doing something that is questionable as far as representing Christ - and we allow ourselves to be confronted on it.

When I find myself dealing with someone that I should be letting someone else work with, the ladies will confront me on it. When one of the men is caught looking at some eye-candy that strolls by, believe me - three other men will tackle him and hold him down (men are much mean than women!).

Unfortunately, it also allows for dissension and confrontation when it is not necessary.

A big word.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Step Study Groups

We have several step study groups going on and it is so encouraging to see people coming towards the corps as I'm leaving from the afternoon women's bible study - knowing that they are going to gather and apply God's word to their life just as we did.

Mary Ellen leads a group of 6-8 women and they have been going through the Recovery Principles together. The Recovery Principles take the Beatitudes and applies those verses to the 12 steps. The Step Study goes through each step/principle and the ladies are about to start their fourth step.

They are thinking of going on a 4th step retreat where you go up into the mountains and work on your past/your list . . . .your searching moral fearless inventory.

So what would be on mine? Well, this year, I've been learning that I tend to be a little . . .um, co-dependant . . . and I've been working on that. It was hard - and a little weird - to have Bible studies springing up all around me. And I'm not leading them or even going to them. In fact, when I finally did go to one that I wasn't leading, it was like a breath of fresh air - and I find myself eagerly looking forward to it each week.

So my codependancy is coming under control but it only means that I can now handle more things on my list . . .great!

What's on YOUR list . . .your searching moral fearless inventory?