Hi, my name is "Hero" and I'm a believer!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Step Study Groups

You want growth - well, we've got groups! Come to one of the new Step Study groups and see how the Bible can give you the tools to victorious living! A life truly changed is truly changed by Him!

Monday nights -

Women's Group led by Tammy M. - childcare provided - at 4:30pm - so you can get home for dinner!

Men's Group led by John Booth - don't miss out.

Tuesday - 4:09pm - Men's Accountability. Not for the faint of heart, but maybe for the weak of discipline. You can keep each other accountability, provide support, encouragement, prayer and maybe a little head-slapping! (What WERE you thinking????)

Wednesday - the Midweek Point to replenish your soul. Start with dinner at 5:00pm (so you don't have to rush home and then get stuck there!), some worship at 6:00pm, and then bible study groups for adults and teens. Jr. Singing Company meets during the Bible Study time and Jr. Soldier Preparation Classes are starting up as well.

Thursday - Women's Step Study Group - led by Florencia R. childcare provided but game boys are welcome!

Friday - It's back to Celebrate REcovery. We've got the Large Group Meetings (they count on your cards), the small groups for men and women, and youth programs that teach character-building. The kids call it earning their chips - but we know that might be a little different!

So, no excuses - there is something for everyone!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Years 2009

Well, we sure can decorate! the music, well, we've got to get a playlist for next year! The DJ was great - and the lights were fun - but there's got to be a "clean" list of songs for a party! we had fun and it was good, clean, safe fun!